A Little Dose Of Gratitude: Is There A Doctor In The House?

I take part in a weekly linkup called Ten Things of Thankful which is like a gratitude journal, except that multiple people do it and you get to read about all the wonderful things that they’re thankful for besides yourself! Josie Two Shoes has been our wonderful host for over 12 months, and has done an amazing job. Thank you, Josie! From next week the linkup will now be hosted by the lovely Kristi at Thankful Me who I’m sure will do just as great a job 🙂

I decided to join this linkup as a way of reminding myself how lucky I am, which can sometimes be difficult when life throws you a curve ball or two. If you’d like to find out more about the linkup, or join in, then you can click on the image below.

Ten Things of Thankful

There has only been one thing on my mind this past week on my list of thankfuls:

  1. I have finished my doctorate!!
  2. I can officially can myself by the title “Doctor”.
  3. There is NOTHING else I need to do to my thesis. I can FORGET about it!
  4. No more long-winded forms to fill in, to say what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.
  5. No more hours spent in the evenings writing up essays.
  6. I can go out with my husband and pooch without worrying about getting back home to carry on with uni work.
  7. No more anxious waits to see if things have been approved, or whether there are more hurdles to overcome.
  8. I have my life back.
  9. Number 8 is so important, it gets another mention. I. get. my. life. back!
  10. The final thing I have to do is…….go and enjoy my graduation ceremony in a few weeks’ time. I think I can manage that! 😀

What are you thankful for this week? 🙂

15 thoughts on “A Little Dose Of Gratitude: Is There A Doctor In The House?

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  1. very congratulations! Doctor Meta!

    (you realize, as you mentioned in Item 6) you will need to stop in the various public places and say* “Why yes, there is a doctor in the house.”

    *perhaps a american cultural reference and surely a date cultural reference, but the person in seemingly countless motion pictures who would stand and ask in a loud and beseeching voice, “Is there a doctor in the house??!”

    cool accomplishment, yo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. At this point, I hope you can hear my clapping, hooraying, and see the smile on my face. This is a wonderful accomplishment, and you have worked hard for it.You jumped a big hurdle.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am thankful that
    1My son and daughter-in-law safely brought a new healthy life in to this world.
    2 That they all are well and happy.
    3 I have held a new fresh grandchild in my arms.
    4 I am thankful that my time for doing the things of youthful parenting has passed.
    5. I smile because I get the good bits of this infant… then hand it back.
    6. I am grateful for the opportunity to look into the face of Penelope and know she is here because I survived.
    7. I am grateful that You gave me the opportunity to share my gratitude here today.
    8. I am grateful to connect with such an esteemed lady of letters. Congratulations.
    9. I am grateful for the people that come to read my stories and enjoy what I have to say.
    10. Mostly because I strive daily to be the best person I can be.
    Thank you for your post and good luck, enjoy the walks with your pooch and your husband … don’t forget to bask in the glory of your achievement 😘

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you but she is their third daughter 😲 and my fifth grand child and unfortunately they all call me “Grandma duck” a name given in jest that stuck. I have tried to wriggle out of it but my 12 year old Grandson says “never” I figured a bonkers writing woman probably should be called a perculiar name.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, look at that! A Ten Things of Thankful post in a comment! Welcome! We’d love to have you join us at tenthingsofthankful.blogspot.com. The link is closed now, but will open up again on Friday. Hope to see you there!

      Liked by 1 person

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